About The Muslim Reform Movement

How much more slaughter of innocents in the name of Islam do we need to endure before the free nations of the world wake up and admit that we are at war with the ideology of Islamism? We are in a global struggle of a magnitude we have not seen since the end of the Cold War — and this time we are fighting an enemy whose natural constituency includes almost one-fourth of the world’s population. The steady drumbeat of Islamist violence around the world has now reached a climax. No longer can pseudo-experts, apologists, and the media hide behind excuses, platitudes, and clichés. Enough is enough.

With defeat of Radical Islam as the foundation, on December 4, 2015, our courageous founders from around the world outlined our Declaration for Muslim Reform, a living document that we will continue to enhance as our journey continues.

We invite our fellow Muslims and neighbors to join us.


Meet Our Courageous Founders

Each of our founders is a time tested proven reformer, who have throughout their lives, searched for peace and human rights for all people. There is no mistake, we are in a battle for the soul of Islam, and an Islamic renewal must defeat the ideology of Islamism, or politicized Islam, which seeks to create Islamic states, as well as an Islamic caliphate.

So why should you get involved? Because Islamism and terrorism threaten everyone’s freedom. Join with us and let’s make the impossible, possible.

American Islamic Forum for Democracy

AIFD is the most prominent American Muslim organization directly confronting the ideology of political Islam and openly countering the common belief that the Muslim faith is inextricably rooted to the concept of the Islamic State (Islamism). We stand firmly for universal human rights – including gender equality, freedom of conscience, and freedom of speech and expression.

So why should you get involved? Because Islamism and terrorism threaten everyone’s freedom. Join with us and lets make the impossible, possible.

Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow

Our vision is to advance among Muslims the principle of individual rights and freedoms, and for Muslims to embrace the idea of openness, of relating to others as equal and deserving of equal respect, and of defending freedom of speech as the basis of all other freedoms enunciated in the constitutions of liberal democracies, such as ours in Canada

So why should you get involved? Because Islamism and terrorism threaten everyone’s freedom. Join with us and let’s make the impossible, possible.

Coalition of Progressive Canadian Muslim Organizations

The Coalition of Progressive Canadian Muslim Organizations is an umbrella for progressive Muslims across Canada who uphold Canadian values especially separation of religion and politics, gender equality, one law for all, freedom of expression and education against radicalization.

So why should you get involved? Because Islamism and terrorism threaten everyone’s freedom. Join with us and let’s make the impossible, possible.